Source code for puzzlestream.ui.codeeditor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Code editor module.

contains PSCodeEdit, a subclass of PyCodeEdit

import difflib

import autopep8
from isort import SortImports
from puzzlestream.backend.signal import PSSignal
from puzzlestream.ui import colors
from puzzlestream.ui.codestyle import PSCodeStyleDark, PSCodeStyleLight
from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
from pygments.token import Text
from pyqode.core.api import ColorScheme
from pyqode.core.modes import RightMarginMode
from pyqode.python.widgets import PyCodeEdit
from PyQt5.QtCore import QEvent, Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QBrush, QColor, QFont, QKeySequence
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QShortcut

[docs]class PSCodeEdit(PyCodeEdit): """PyCodeEdit with some added functionality.""" def __init__(self, server_script=None, args=None): """Editor init. Args: server_script: Location of the PyCodeEdit server script file (.py). args (list): Additional args to be passed to the server. """ super().__init__(server_script=server_script, args=args) # shortcuts self.__shortcuts = {} # set default colors self.setRightMarginColor() p = self.panels.get("QuickDocPanel") self.add_action(p.action_quick_doc, sub_menu="") self.__focusIn = PSSignal() self.font_name = "Fira Code" @property def focusIn(self): return self.__focusIn
[docs] def focusInEvent(self, event: QEvent): if event.reason() == Qt.MouseFocusReason: self.__focusIn.emit() return super().focusInEvent(event)
[docs] def setRightMarginColor(self, color=QColor(42, 92, 129)): """Set colour of right margin line to color,""" self._modes.get(RightMarginMode).color = color
[docs] def setCurrentLineColor(self, color=QColor(42, 92, 129)): """Set colour of current active line to color,""" self._modes.get("CaretLineHighlighterMode").background = color
[docs] def setSyntaxColorScheme(self, scheme="dark"): """Set syntax colour scheme to scheme (str, dark or light).""" if scheme == "dark": style = PSCodeStyleDark elif scheme == "light": # style = PSCodeStyleLight # style not ready yet style = get_style_by_name("default") else: return colorScheme = self.syntax_highlighter.color_scheme colorScheme._load_formats_from_style(style) self.syntax_highlighter.color_scheme = colorScheme self.syntax_highlighter.refresh_editor(colorScheme) self.syntax_highlighter.rehighlight() matcher = self.modes.get("SymbolMatcherMode") bg = QColor(colors.get("light-blue")) matcher.match_background = QBrush(bg) matcher.match_foreground = QBrush(QColor(style.background_color)) occ = self.modes.get("OccurrencesHighlighterMode") occ.background = QBrush(bg) occ.foreground = QBrush(QColor(style.background_color))
[docs] def addShortcut(self, sequence, target): """Add shortcut to the editor. Args: sequence (str): Key sequence. target: Method to be executed when sequence is entered. """ sc = QShortcut(QKeySequence(sequence), self) sc.activated.connect(target) self.__shortcuts[sequence] = sc
[docs] def autoformat(self): self.__replaceText( autopep8.fix_code(self.toPlainText(), options={'aggressive': 2}))
[docs] def sortImports(self): self.__replaceText( SortImports(file_contents=self.toPlainText()).output)
def __replaceText(self, newText): cursor = self.textCursor() cursorPos = cursor.position() text = self.toPlainText() cursor.beginEditBlock() pos = 0 for d in difflib.ndiff(text, newText): if d.startswith("+"): cursor.setPosition(pos) cursor.insertText(d[-1]) elif d.startswith("-"): cursor.setPosition(pos + 1) cursor.deletePreviousChar() pos -= 1 pos += 1 cursor.endEditBlock() cursor.setPosition(cursorPos + len(newText) - len(text)) self.setTextCursor(cursor)