Source code for puzzlestream.backend.figure

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle

[docs]class PSFigure(): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 2: # Too many arguments try: Ex = ValueError() Ex.strerror = "Invalid number of arguments.\n" + \ "\t PSFigure(" + \ "figure: matplotlib.figure.Figure, savePath: str" +\ ") to save\n" +\ "\t PSFigure(loadPath: str) to load\n" raise Ex except ValueError as e: print("Value Error:", e.strerror) elif ( len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[0], matplotlib.figure.Figure) and isinstance(args[1], str) ): # Save mode initialiser self.__initSaveMode(args[0], args[1]) elif ( len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str) ): # Load mode initialiser self.__initLoadMode(args[0]) def __initSaveMode(self, figure: matplotlib.figure.Figure, savePath: str): self.__mplVersion = matplotlib.__version__ self.__figureHandle = figure self.write(savePath) def __initLoadMode(self, savePath: str): try: fCDict = pickle.load( open(savePath, 'rb') ) except: try: Ex = ValueError() Ex.strerror = "Invalid argument.\n" + \ "There is no PSFigure saved in " + savePath + \ " or you do not have permission to read the file.\n" raise Ex except ValueError as e: print("Value Error:", e.strerror) self.__mplVersion = fCDict["mplVersion"] if self.__mplVersion != matplotlib.__version__: print( "WARNING: Current matplotlib version (" + str(matplotlib.__version__) + ") is different from the version" + " the Figure has been created with (" + str(self.__mplVersion) + "). " + "You may want to downgrade matplotlib or recreate the figures." ) self.__figureHandle = fCDict["figureHandle"]
[docs] def write(self, savePath: str): try: pickle.dump( { "figureHandle": self.__figureHandle, "mplVersion": self.__mplVersion }, open( savePath, "wb" ) ) except: try: Ex = ValueError() Ex.strerror = "Invalid argument.\n" + \ "The PSFigure can not be saved in " + savePath + \ " as it is not a valid path or you do not" + \ " have permission to writing permission there.\n" raise Ex except ValueError as e: print("Value Error:", e.strerror)
[docs] def getHandle(self): return self.__figureHandle